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How long does it take to play through this game

I don't know. Pretty long. 

Game only shows landscape images. No character images/scene video. Just a black screen, is there anything I can do to fix this? Don't want to throw away the $12

Read the message at the start menu and install the media pack.

there's no version for Mac?

(1 edit)

You can get it to run on Mac by installing Java with JavaFX and running the .jar file directly (perhaps other ways too). I'm not sure since I don't have a Mac to test it on, but people have been able to run it on Mac.

If installing Java with JavaFX, I recommend to go here and download JDK/JRE 19:

You must select the Full JDK or Full JRE for macOS to get the JavaFX component needed for playing videos.

That's about all the help I can give. I can't really provide support for Paradise Found on Mac. Try it at your own risk.

How do i play paradice? I downloaded windows 32 bit player on my android but I can't figure out how to load or play or unzip or whatever. I'm technically challenged. Please help

The Windows 32-bit files are not the game. They are extra files needed for players with 32-bit version of Windows, which hardly anyone has these days. But that is for PC. You can't play Paradise Found on the phone.

Ok. So do i download the files to PC for the one payment i made or will i need to pay again?

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No need to pay again. As long as you are logged in with the same itch account you paid from, you should be able to download the game to your pc.

If you have any problems downloading it, let me know and I can send you the download link directly to your email.


I appreciate that. I'll try this weekend and see how it goes. Thank for everything. 


No Mac version?


I can't get the videos to work, I've tried both of the solutions in the readme but there's still no image

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Read the message when starting the game.

When I download the game it just shows as document and says there is nothing to run. Am I doing something wrong?

Did you unrar the game first? If not, you need a program like WinRAR. 

when does the update release to the public

I've been so busy with my other project this week so I completely forgot about the public update. I'm fixing it on Patreon now and will do next. Thanks for reminding me :)

The Monestary is, hands down, the best game I've played of this genre, and has all the best elements possible. Please consider continuing down this path for at least one more gem like The Monestary. Nuns, horror and filth fit together perfectly. Keep up the great work! 

Is update 4.0 almost ready? I answered the poll about pregnancy, an even darker twist to the story. Eagerly awaiting more! 

(2 edits)

Happy to hear you enjoy it. Version 0.4 should be ready for Patreon release in January. Then itch some days later.

But please post about The Monastery in the Monastery project pages. This is for Paradise Found. 

Is there a list of the actresses available? Just asking for a friend ;)

Yes. Credits button.

Thanks mate

Deleted 1 year ago

Searching the net I can see that a few people got this error with other games and that the itch app might be the problem. If you're using the itch app, try downloading from a web browser instead.

Deleted 1 year ago


Is there a walkthrough for this game?

Not that I know of.

Deleted 248 days ago

I'm providing instructions how to play it on Mac, but I have no plans to do standalone mac releases no.

Deleted 248 days ago